Deliverance Is A Must!
"And in all you are seeking, seek deliverance",
because there are powers that curse people to be bowed down in bondage.
Our Church
EL HAKKADOSH means The Holy God (Isaiah 5:16)
The holy God will be proved holy by his righteous act.
(Isaiah 5:16)
In "the Model Prayer," Jesus taught you to... Pray to the Father. Acknowledge God's holiness. Seek God's kingdom and God's will.

Request God's daily provision. Confess your sins, and seek forgiveness. Request strength to resist evil and temptation. Offer praises unto God.

Genesis 25:21 Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.

Exodus 9:29 Moses replied, "When I have gone out of the city, I will spread out my hands in prayer to the LORD. The thunder will stop and there will be no more hail, so you may know that the earth is the LORD's.
Make it a duty to pray!

Pray until something happens. We strongly believe in praying until something happens. Paryer to us is the master key. Pray without season and if you so wish, we are available to pray with you. You can email us your prayer requests.

Yes it may be true we are far apart, but that does not matter to the Holy Spirit. Remember, "distance is not an obstacle" to the move of the power of the Holy God. Believing is our connection, so let’s believe and agree with you in prayer for your healing, deliverance and breakthrough etc.

EHCFAN, believes strongly in prayers, for it is our act of communicating with God in petition, adoration and in contrition of thanksgiving.

"Prayer is a spiritual communication between man and God, a two-way relationship which man should not only talk to God but also listen to Him. Prayer to God is like a child's conversation with his father. It is natural for a child to ask his father for the things he needs.

Henceforth, God has been good to us and has never let us down. Feel free to let us pray with you for a result!

(Jesus said...) I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you Matthew 5.44

Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praise. James 5.13
Regardless your belief about Churches etc. Just going to the Church on Sundays is no longer the issues! It is about breaking the chains of evil powers that curse people to be bowed down in bondage.

Today, people are dying of minor illness and together with different problems and all manner of evil attacks are happening daily. Doctors are doing their best and we the Church are suppose to do more. We are mandated to heal, to rescue and to cast out the demons of these victims. The Bible never says to counsel these demons but to cast them out in Jesus' name by the Church.

I thank God that we are just among the few churches EHCFAN, that God is using in the area of healing and deliverance with miracles, signs & wonders. We have a programme titled, “I Must Be Set Free!”, on every first Sunday of the month. Come as you are, and experience the power of The Holy God.
Testimonial 1

Thanks for that wonderful teaching on Hidden Talent. I am still meditating on the subject. I would be atending the next one, hopefully with my family.

Hello friends, if you believe the Lord has called you to move into any of the gifts you possessed and you're tired of being at one place in your life where you see no way to get you there, then I guarantee this is a place you should come. The wonderful teaching will surely get you on board to your destination.

As for me, my talents are begining to uncover since I have been listening to the teaching of Pastor Foley. I no longer have many questions about how to discover my hidden Talent and I now flow in the anointing.

I have developed a big heart for God and I am determining to see others grow in their Gifts, Skills and talents with the help of the Lord. In fact, this experience was a life-changing for me.
Bola Akintola

Testimonial 2

I have no doubt than to say, the teaching was very well put together with several quotations from the Bible. It was a safe place to take the risk and learn how to move, in your God giving gifts and talents.

That gentle man gave his testimony about talent in a way that I had not heard before. Pastor Foley spoke on the topic "Discovering Hidden Talents prophetically as if he knew what was going through my mind.

This has brought to me such a wonderful joy and encouragement to go to the streets and evangelise to people about how God has endowed us with powerful gifts as provisions for our lives.

James Edward.

Testimonial 3

I thank God for allowing me to attend the seminar. I have been raised to another level of spritual life, what a good God.

I am so blessed by all the messages I have heard and learned at the seminar. The different is clear and I don't think there could be other way to explain this topic so vividly than what I heard.

How to discover your hidden talent. The seminar was just awesome, its life changing, its another level. HALLELUJAH I AM BLESS!!


Testimonial 4

"Thank you for an incredibly teaching on hidden talents, very inspiring and life changing. This has not only impacted the lives of those at the workshop, but those who would be listening to the message on Hidden Talent Radio when the message is on air".

Ever since after the workshop, I feel loved and accepted in a unique relationship with the Lord. I thank for using you prophetically on this subject.

Josh Daniel

Testimonial 5

"Whaooo!!!, you know how to bring out the confidence, the joy and the heart-of-the-matter with everyone you talk to in the audience.

Towards the end of the 3 hours workshop, your humour and grace amazed all of us. When we thought we had enough, you always knew we could get more." I would recommend this workshop for anyone who is really looking forward to bring out their God gifts and talents to life.

It was the best experience that I have experienced. That was awesome. The presence of God touched everyone in the house like never before, what a mind blowing!

Brother Jacob Johnson "JJ"

Testimonial 6

I'm currently on my second set of training sessions. I've benefited enormously from the teaching. I am now very confident of talent.

I have been able to work steadily under the instruction of your CD on Hidden Talent, I know that I am going a long way to discover more of my God gifts. Thanks Pastor.

Susan Omokoya

Pray until something happens. We strongly believe in praying until something happens. Paryer to us is the master key. Pray without season and if you so wish, we are available to pray with you. You can email us your prayer requests.

EHCFAN, believes strongly in prayers, for it is our act of communicating with God in petition, adoration and in contrition of thanksgiving.

"Prayer is a spiritual communication between man and God, a two-way relationship which man should not only talk to God but also listen to Him. Prayer to God is like a child's conversation with his father. It is natural for a child to ask his father for the things he needs.

Henceforth, God has been good to us and has never let us down. Feel free to let us pray with you for a result!

Place Worship

El Hakkadosh Church
153 Colworth Road,
London E11 1LU
Postal Address

13 Queens Drive
London E10 7HP
Office Numbers

+44 7954 049 572
+44 7825 308 717
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